Monday, June 7, 2010


పెక్కుచదువులేల? చిక్కువాదములేల?
ఒక్క మనసుతోడ నూరకున్న
సర్వసిద్ధుడౌను, సర్వంబు తానౌను
విశ్వదాభిరామ! వినుర వేమ!

-- యోగి వేమన

Loose English Notes:
pekku chaduvulela? = why to learn different branches of studies?
chikku vaadamulela? = why to engage in complected arguments?
okka manasu toda urakunna = by keeping ONE mind stable without thoughts
sarva siddhudaunu = one will become an achiever (siddha)
sarvambu taanaunu = he will verily become ALL (the soul of everything)
visvadaabhi raama, vinura vema! = listen to this word of "Vemana" O visvadaabhiraama!

In simple words, Yogi Vemana explains the method of attaining highest state of "sthita prajna".

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