Saturday, October 9, 2010


चिदग्निकुन्डसम्भूता, देवकार्यसमुध्यता. (4th and 5th names of Divine Mother from Lalita Sahasranaama)


who was born from the altar of the fire of consciousness, manifested herself for fulfilling the objective of Devas.

My Notes:

SHE became manifest only in order to slay Asuras, Bhandasura and Mahisasura etc., In my mind itself, the wicked thoughts are asuras. They are powerful and overpower the feeble Devas (the divine thoughts) However feeble the divine thoughts are, when they are brought together and they make a "cit-agni-kunda" within the mind and perform a sacrifice in deep samaadhi, Divine Mother manifests in that sacrificial altar and slays the asuras providing victory to the devas and fulfilling the objective of Devas!

om tat sat

-- Second day of Navaraatri today.

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