Sunday, November 15, 2015


ప్రాతః స్మరామి భవభీతిహరం సురేశం
గంగాధరం వృషభవాహనమంబికేశమ్

ప్రాతర్నమామి గిరిశం గిరిజార్థదేహం
విశ్వేశ్వరం విజితవిశ్వమనోభిరామం

ప్రాతర్భజామి శివమేకమనంతమాద్యం 
వేదాంతవేద్యమనఘం పురుషం మహాంతమ్
నామాది భేద రహితం షడ్భావశూన్యం

ప్రాతః సముత్థాయ శివం విచిన్త్య
శ్లోకత్రయం యే నుదినం పఠంతి
తే దుఃఖజాతం బహుజన్మ సంచితం
హిత్వా పదం యాంతి తదేవ శంభోః

1. Early in the morning, I think of one who removes the fear of world, lord of gods, who holds river ganga in in locks, rides the ox, husband of divine mother, holds khatvAnga, SUla, varada and abhaya mudras in hands, Isa i.e lord - The medicine to cure the disease of samsAra! who has no second!!

2. Early in the morning I bow down to the dweller of mountains having half of body occupied by the daughter of mountain who is the cause of beginning, middle and the end; Originator, Lord, conqueror of the universe; The medicine to cure the disease of samsAra!  who has no second!!

3. Early in the morning I sing about auspiciousness, one, having no end or beginning, only known through the upanishads vEdAnta, sinless, the mightiest being, who has no distinctions by the means of names or forms, who is devoid of six transformations of (birth, growth, sustenance, disease, decay and death); The medicine to cure the disease of samsAra!  who has no second!! 

Having woken up early, thinking of Siva, WHO recites the above three verses every day; THEY get rid of misery collected over multiple lifespans, attain THAT ultimate abode of auspiciousness of Sambhu.

-- On the occasion of first kArtIka sOmavAra of SrI manmatha year

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