Thursday, December 3, 2015

స్వభావము - ప్రకృతి

काकः पद्मवने रतिं न कुरुते हंसो न कूपोदके ।
मूर्खः पण्डितसङ्गमे न रमते दासो न सिंहासने ।
दुष्टः सज्जनसङ्गमं न सहते नीचं जनं सेवते ।
या यस्य प्रकृतिः स्वभावजनिता केनापि न त्यज्यते ॥

व्याघ्रः सेवति काननं च गहनं सिंहो गुहां सेवते
हंसः सेवति पद्मिनीं कुसुमितां गृधः श्मशानस्थलीम् ।
साधुः सेवति साधुमेव सततं नीचोऽपि नीचं जनम्
या यस्य प्रकृतिः स्वभावजनिता केनापि न त्यज्यते ॥

1. A crow do not enjoy in the garden of lotus ponds; A swan can't enjoy in a small pit of water. A fool will not enjoy the company of wise; a servant can't hold the throne of a leader. Wicked one can't bear pious people and works for wicked only. Each one follows the character as per their own nature and hardly give up on "prakRti"

2. A tiger enjoys in the deep forest, a lion enjoys the cave, a swan enjoys on the lotus flowers, a hawk enjoys in the burial ground. People with soft nature enjoy in the company of soft people and wicked enjoy among wicked. Each one follows the character as per their own nature and hardly can give up on "prakRti"

yA yasya prakRtiH svabhAva janitA kEnApi na tyajatE - Above two verses show the difficulty of giving up one's own nature. Everyone thus should focus on building right character considering the fact!

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