Sunday, August 13, 2017

అచ్యుతాష్టకం - achyuta-ashTakam

ధేనుకారిష్టహానిష్టకృద్ద్వేషిణాం కేశిహా కంసహృద్వంశికావాదకః |
పూతనాకోపకః సూరజాఖేలనో బాలగోపాలకః పాతు మామ్ సర్వదా || ౬ ||

For full AchyutAShTakam in devanagari: 

Who is unfavorable to daemons like dhEnuka, arishTa, who is destroyer of kEsi and kamsa, the player of a bamboo flute, who is angered by pUtana, who plays on yamuna river (the daughter of Sun), the young cow-heard boy, may he protect me always! 

--- From Adi SankarAcharya's achyutaashTakam - verse 6. 

--- On the occasion of kRshNAshTami of SrI hEmalambi nAma samvatsara on 14th August 2017

May that bAla-gOpAlaka protect everyone always! 

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